Faridabad to Mathura Bus Time Table

In the heartland of Northern India, where history and spirituality converge, the journey from Faridabad to Mathura is a pilgrimage through time. As wheels turn and engines hum, the “Faridabad to Mathura Bus Time Table” unfolds as more than just a logistical guide- it serves as a portal into the sacred tapestry of the region.

Faridabad to Mathura Bus
Faridabad to Mathura Bus

Join us on vacation through the intricate timetable of buses connecting Faridabad to Mathura, where each departure is not merely a progression of hours but a stepping stone into a realm where heritage and devotion harmonize.

Faridabad to Mathura Distance : 118.7 KM

Faridabad to Mathura Bus Time Table

Departure TimeRouteViaBus Type
08:00 AMFaridabad to AgraBallabgarh, Palwal, Hodel, KosiHaryana Roadways
09:00 AMFaridabad to MathuraBallabgarh, Palwal, Hodel, KosiHaryana Roadways
03:10 PMChandigarh to MathuraBallabgarh, Palwal, Hodel, KosiHaryana Roadways

Note: Make sure to inquire at the bus stand before leaving for the journey.

Faridabad Bus Stand Enquiry Number : 0129-2244953

As our exploration of the “Faridabad to Mathura Bus Time Table” draws to a close, we find ourselves at the juncture where the clock ticking merges with the echoes of ancient hymns and the footsteps of pilgrims. The bus schedule, once a mere compilation of departure times, transforms into a guidebook for those seeking a physical journey and a spiritual odyssey.

As we bid farewell to the intricacies of the schedule, let the echoes of your travels resonate with the sacred chants and vibrant hues of Mathura. May the Faridabad to Mathura bus routes continue to bridge the gap between heritage and devotion, inviting travelers to embark on a pilgrimage that transcends the ordinary.

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