Karnal to Cheeka Bus Time Table

Whenever we travel by bus, the first thought that comes to our mind is the schedule, especially when we are new in that city. Keeping this in mind, we have brought the schedule of buses running from Karnal Bus Depot. In today’s post, we will know in detail about the “Karnal to Cheeka Bus Time Table” including at what time and on which route the bus will run. So let’s know…

Karnal to Cheeka Bus
Karnal to Cheeka Bus

For your information, let us tell you that both the Haryana roadways and private buses run on this route, the fare of which is almost equal. Whenever you going for a journey, recheck the schedule by calling Karnal Bus Depot. The first bus from Karnal to Cheeka route starts at 2 PM. This bus will be routed via Nissing, Pundri & Kaithal. The “Karnal to Cheeka Bus Timing” complete details are given below.

Karnal to Cheeka Distance : 83.9 KM

Karnal to Cheeka Bus Time Table

Departure TimeRouteViaBus Type
02:35 PMDelhi to CheekaNissing, Pundri, KaithalHaryana Roadways

Karnal Bus Stand Enquiry Number : 0184-2251158

We hope that the “Karnal to Cheeka Bus Timing” information provided by us would have proved useful for you. We wish you a happy and ejoyful journey. Keep Enjoying the beauty of these two beautiful cities. You can also check more posts on roadways bus time table website.

That’s all for now, see you soon with a new post. Have an enjoyable journey. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can tell us through comments or email.

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